Why You Should Learn From the Best

There are a few ways to learn something new. You can try to do things on your own and hope for the best. Sometimes this works, but most of the time there are obstacles you never saw coming and you get bogged down never reaching your goal. Or, you can take a shortcut and learn from the best people who’ve gone before you.

Which one sounds like the better option?

Why You Should Learn From the Best

When it comes to learning from others, take time to learn from the best because they’ve been there and can help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently. Here are three reasons why learning from the best will help you reach your goals.

1 – They’ve Been Where You Are & Struggled Too

We’ve all been there. Struggling to feel motivated to even get out of bed. Sometimes we just want to quit. The decision at this point separates the successful from those who just go through life trying the same things and expecting different results. BTW, that is the definition of insanity.

Most of the world’s successful people have been where you currently are. They know what it’s like to hit rock bottom and climb their way up. In most of their stories, they share how far down they were before they made their big break and how it gave them perspective later.

The number of stories out there where some entrepreneur explains just how close they were to giving up, but then fought through it is staggering.

[shareable]Anyone can start small if they take action and continue to take action.[/shareable]

They reframed their mindset to see obstacles as something that makes you stronger or just a hurdle to overcome. This simple change allowed them to face their fears and move outside their comfort zone.

The fact that they did it means you can do it too. Remember…they’re just people like you with the same 24 hour day.

When you learn from the best, it’s easy to see where they are and think to yourself, man, I could never do that.

Guess what…you can.

2 – There’s a Clear Path to Follow Based on Experience

Each truly successful person started out where you currently are.

Biography after biography tells a story of someone who started small with a simple idea. And, grew that idea into something bigger.

In this age of venture capital, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in overnight success. We see Apple selling the latest gadget and think we can never be that good.

Remember, Apple was started in a garage by a couple of geeks. Anyone can start small if they take action and continue to take action.

Reading biographies gives you perspective on how to reach your goals. And, you get the added benefit of learning from other people’s mistakes.

Their stories provide a map or master plan which you can apply to your goal.

[callout]Get a FREE Copy of Michael Hyatt’s New eBook: Achieve What Matters Most in 2017: 8 Strategies Super-Successful People Are Using to Accomplish More Next Year[/callout]

3 – Share Your Story With Them to Show It Worked

Everyone who’s “been there” loves to hear about the success of people who’ve learned from their story and become a success.

Last December, I sent a quick thank you email to Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe, sharing how Nozbe changed my productivity and how I shared it with everyone I could. Two weeks later I was asked to submit my story and was featured on their blog.

[shareable]The people who are “the best” always want to see others be successful too.[/shareable]

Email marketing guru Bryan Harris is constantly seeking out students who have completed his course and been successful with his system. He shares their stories to spread the word and help more people.

The people who are “the best” always want to see others be successful too.

How Learning from the Best Worked for Me

Back in 2013 I began following a blog by a guy named Michael Hyatt. You’ve probably heard of him.

I still follow him today because I’m hooked on how practical his advice is and how easy it is to apply in my busy life. BTW, He’s a dad of five girls and was the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. He knows what it means to be busy.

Anyway, I’d always thought of myself as a pretty productive guy. But Michael’s simple advice and templates helped me take things to the next level. I wasn’t just getting more done, but I was getting the right things done to reach my goals.

His advice was so good in fact, that I bought his book Living Forward as soon as it came out. This one book changed my life this year. I finally had a plan to put “first things first.” I liked the book so much that I just gave a copy to one lucky subscriber.

Little did I know when I started reading his advice that he was getting his wisdom from some of the most productive people in the world: people like Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, and Dave Ramsey. It all makes sense now.

Michael has put together a free PDF explaining the most important thing each of these “gurus” does at the beginning of every year to set themselves up for the best year ever.

[callout]You can get a look inside their brains free right here: Achieve What Matters Most in 2017: 8 Strategies Super-Successful People Are Using to Accomplish More Next Year[/callout]

When I read through it, I picked up a few gems that I’ll definitely be using to jumpstart 2017.

I guarantee there’s something new in here you haven’t heard or tried before.

Get out there and learn from the best.

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About the Author

Robby helps busy business owners simplify and automate their productivity systems so they have more time to focus on what they're best at. He helps you design and implement plans and systems so you can work ON your business, not IN your business. Companies such as Productive Magazine, Nozbe, Matt McWilliams, and Notable Themes have trusted Robby to share his productivity systems, increase sales, and create a better customer experience.